Grace Traylor
Honored In 2016
Judy Cook named a longtime friend as an Influential Indian in August, 2016 at the JEF annual event. Mrs. Cook sent this quote to surprise Grace with the announcement, "Although our contact has been sporadic, hardly a week has gone by in my adult life that I haven’t thought about this person. For me, she is the embodiment of the Biblical tree that sends out strong roots and yields fruit no matter the circumstances. She is steadfast, courageous, honest, relational, tender, and optimistic. Every interaction I have with her leaves me so enriched. Over the last 2 years, I’ve watched her work with JISD and JEF, and I’ve been inspired to join with her in her efforts to support the program. If she thinks a project is worth doing, I want to be a part of it! JISD is fortunate to have a woman of her caliber communicating on its behalf. Thank you for your presence in my life....and in the life of your community." ~Judy Womack Cook