Robert Nichols
Honored In 2016
Austin Bank proudly named Senator Robert Nichols an Influential Indian in August, 2016. First elected to the Texas Senate in 2006, Robert Nichols represents 19 counties including the greater part of East Texas and Montgomery County. In the Texas Senate, Nichols serves as Chairman for the Transportation Committee. He also serves on the Senate Finance, Business and Commerce, and Administration Committees. He is a member of the Legislative Audit Committee and is currently serving his second term as a member on the Sunset Advisory Committee. A 1963 graduate of JHS, Nichols was a captain on the Fightin’ Indian football team coached by Dick Sheffield. Working his way through college by selling fireworks and ironing clothes for other students, Nichols earned a bachelor's degree from Lamar University in 1968. He served on the Jacksonville city council, as mayor, built four successful manufacturing facilities, earned 32 U.S. patents, 128 foreign patents, and created more than 900 jobs for East Texas families.